May 2021
Volume 3 Issue 8
by Léa Boisjoli
In this project, the intention from the outset was to create a floral fragrance through distillation processes. There are several perfume extraction processes such as enfleurage, expression, solvent extraction and supercritical CO₂ extraction, but due to resources and time, proceeding with distillation was the most logical choice. The simple distillation used in this project is the most common. This technique is used to purify a non-volatile liquid.
by Flora-Lee Bornette and Mélody Turcotte
Spinal fracture can affect the spinal cord. when this injury occurs, there are two types of impacts: physical and biological. We were interested in the immunological phenomena that arise during spinal cord injury: the transformation of astrocytes into toxic astrocytes and their consequences on oligodendrocytes.
by Jade Brassard and Marie-Pascale Allard
Thousands of planes take off every day and their crew are never immune to mistakes. Imagine any flight with any conditions, where both pilots make x number of errors. Can it be said that other pilots, under the same conditions, can be better than their predecessors if they have taken the trouble to analyze their mistakes? We believe they would make just as many mistakes, but these would potentially be different. To verify this hypothesis, an experiment was carried out with reference to the LOSA report and with the help of piloting teachers.
by Alice Dumoulin
The purpose of this project is to better understand what this syndrome is, to better understand and explain this syndrome to the people around me and create a test to diagnose women having Asperger Syndrome, according to the features most commonly found in these patients in addition to their lived experiences.
by Elia Viot and Charlotte Roy
Ocean acidification is a global environmental problem that is becoming more and more relevant. In fact, the oceans’ acidity has increased about 30% since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Unfortunately, the long-term consequences of the phenomenon (such as the impact on coral reefs, marine life, and marine ecosystems) are unclear and there isn’t really an effective way to diminish the acidity of the oceans except, of course, by reducing global CO2 emissions. Our goal is to determine and understand the effects of ocean acidification on marine life.