Diffusion Mechanism of Pu3+ in Sedimentary Repository Conditions: First Principle Molecular Dynamics Study

Diffusion  Mechanism of Pu3+  in Sedimentary Repository Conditions: First Principle  Molecular Dynamics Study

by Becca Barbera

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the diffusion coefficient of Pu3+ through MX-80 clay, alongside the interference of the SR-270-PW brine solution of sedimentary rock formations. This study has many valuable applications and provides nuclear waste management organizations with specific data regarding location and storage methods, which will both ensure public protection and support clean-energy production.



by Medara Akpan

Did you know that fish and plants could feed the planet while protecting the environment? Aquaponics is a method of agriculture where the fish and the plants help each other grow by recycling Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (NPK) in the water. This experiment aims to show which plant species grows the most rapidly in a home indoor aquaponics system. I hypothesized that if I grew Kale, Basil, and Radish microgreen seeds, then Kale will have better growth results over the same period, as research has shown Kale is the most tolerant to different environments.

Reducing Cellular Screen Time in Teens

Reducing Cellular Screen Time in Teens

by Naila Moloo

Spending too much time on a phone is correlated with depression, anxiety, and an increase in diseases like diabetes and cancer. Youth spend hours on end on their phones, damaging their developing brains. Screen time can cause major damage to an area known as the insula, which is involved in our capacity to know empathy and compassion for others. To address this issue, an intervention was created to reduce screen time in middle school students by designing a sticker to go on the back of a cellphone.

Music To My Ears: A Novel Application of Brainwave Entrainment in Assessing Concentration

Music To My Ears: A Novel Application of Brainwave Entrainment in Assessing Concentration

by Rowan Parkinson

A binaural beat is the perception of a frequency difference between the sound waves entering the left and right ear. For example, if the left ear registers a tone of 25 Hz and the right ear registers a tone of 45 Hz, the binaural beat is 20 Hz - the difference between the two frequencies. Several studies suggest that listening to binaural beats for a recommended period can affect a person's mood and sleep cycles. Studies have been contradictory, however, as to whether binaural beat stimulation can measurably affect concentration.

A Novel Approach to CFTR Gene Editing through CRISPR-Cas9 Technology in Cystic Fibrosis

A Novel Approach to CFTR Gene Editing through CRISPR-Cas9 Technology in Cystic Fibrosis

by Maya Achuthan

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a rare, chronic, progressive, and frequently fatal genetic disease of the body’s mucus glands. Although CF is a multi-organ and multi-system disease, it primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems in children and young adults. Though there are many treatments for suppression of CF symptoms and disease progression, it is speculated that gene therapy may be the only cure. Given the disorder is monogenic (controlled by a single gene), this research explores the options, applications, and delivery of CF lung treatment via a CRISPR-Cas9 procedure.

Modifying the Activity of Hydrogenase and Carbonic Anhydrase Enzymes in Chaetomorpha to Mitigate Ocean Acidification

Modifying the Activity of Hydrogenase and Carbonic Anhydrase Enzymes in Chaetomorpha to Mitigate Ocean Acidification

by Christopher & Nicholas Kwok

Ocean acidification adversely shifts Earth's oceans towards pH-neutral conditions. The global crisis has left coral reefs unlivable, jeopardizing marine biodiversity and resulting in economic devastation. This study pioneers an ecological solution to ocean acidification. The research chemically modified enzymes in algae to mitigate ocean acidification by increasing pH, reversing the interconversion between carbon dioxide and water, and dissociating ions of carbonic acid. The experiments aimed to increase the hydrogenase enzymes with carotene and decrease the carbonic anhydrase enzymes with phytic acid and iron.