she/her | age 14 | Oakville, ON
Bay Area Science Fair — Nikola Tesla Honourable Mention Award (2020), Hamilton Academy of Dentistry Award (2nd place) (2021), John W. Howard Materials Research Award (2021), Silver Merit Award (2021), ArcelorMittal Dofasco Hot Mill Award (2022), Canadian Nuclear Society (Golden Horseshoe Branch) Awards (2022), Science Process Award (2022), Ricoh USA Inc. Award (2022), McMaster Department of Chemical Engineering Award (2022) and Canada-Wide Science Fair Trip Award (2022) | CWSF — Intact Climate Resilience Award (2022) and Bronze Excellence Award (2022)
Edited by Nathan Badry
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities (Nunez, 2019). Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun in our atmosphere. Climate change has created a global effort by many countries to try and reduce CO2 and other greenhouses gases emissions. For example, Canada has a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030 (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2021). By reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, we can change the course of history.
Factories are a major source of CO2 and are good candidates for carbon capture technology. Carbon capture technology involves trapping CO2 at its emission source and transporting it to a storage or use location. My project looks at a way to solve this problem by considering supplemental carbon to fuel photosynthesis in greenhouse setting.
The purpose of my experimental project was to find a way to reduce the amount of CO2 that is being released into the atmosphere from industrial processes. To achieve this, I created an apparatus that increases CO2 consumption in plants by speeding up the photosynthesis process. If successful, it could reduce the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere by supplying CO2 from carbon capture companies to greenhouses, increasing plant growth to help reduce world hunger and food shortages.
Thus, I predicted if I plant garden cress seeds in different conditions for about two weeks and see that one of the plants grows faster than the others, then one can understand that the rate of photosynthesis has increased for this plant because of the catalysts used in the different conditions, which will be applied CO2 and an applied light source.
The development and execution of my project was done in three phases. The first phase was creating the project idea and experimental concept, next was making the experimental apparatus, and third was performing the experiment. Figure 1, shown below, describes the major steps in the overall project.
Figure 1: Flowchart #1 showing overall project major steps and procedure.
In the first phase I researched world problems on the internet. This gave me ideas of different types of projects that may be worth doing. I chose to focus on the area of Climate Change. Further research helped me identify that CO2 emissions have a major impact on Climate Change. I also learned about carbon capture technology and how CO2 affects plants and the photosynthesis process. This research helped me connect these issues into one project opportunity which I will describe below.
The experiment that I developed had 3 plant specimens that were each grown in different atmospheric conditions. The variables in my experiment were CO2 concentration, light intensity, soil type, plant/seed type, and amount of water applied. The two variables in the experiment that I changed were CO2 concentration and light intensity. I tried to keep all the other variables the same for each specimen. Specimen 1 grew in natural light with no applied CO2, Specimen 2 grew in natural light with applied CO2 and Specimen 3 grew with an applied light source and applied CO2. Specimens 2 and 3 had to be in airtight enclosures.
The second phase of my project was to make the experimental apparatus. Plastic enclosures were purchased from Amazon and modified for this experiment. Modifications included: adding fans for air circulation, a CO2 probe to measure CO2 concentration, LED grow lights for increased light intensity, and plastic sheets, silicone sealant, and weather stripping to make sure the box was airtight. A Soda Stream dispenser and CO2 bottle were used for CO2. A CO2 measurement device was also purchased but proved to be unreliable. A more accurate measurement device, the TSi Qtrak 7575-X, was rented for the experiment. Below are photos of the entire experiment apparatus showing all 3 specimens (Figures 2 & 3).
Once the experimental apparatus was completed the equipment was conducted. Three plant specimens were created and watered, the enclosure lids were bolted down, the fans were turned on prior to CO2 applied, and the CO2 concentration was monitored during the addition of CO2. The application of CO2 was monitored to ensure that the concentration was greater than 3,000 ppm but less than the maximum the Q-Trak meter could read (approx. 5,500 ppm). Once completed, the fans were turned off, the LED light was turned on for Specimen 3, and CO2 measurements were recorded before and after approximately twenty-four hours. CO2 concentration was measured daily for each specimen: Specimen 1 had an ambient air measurement while Specimens 2 and 3 had a CO2 measurement. Monitoring the specimens included applying CO2 when the concentration decreased, watering, and collecting data and observations, especially plant growth.
The experimental procedure was performed 3 times. The experiments were called Test 1, Test 2, and Test 3. Due to problems encountered and lessons learned during Test 1 and Test 2, the experiment was changed a little to try and correct the problems. The problems encountered and solutions implemented are discussed further in the Results & Discussion section.
Figure 2: Complete Experiment Apparatus.
Figure 3: Experimental Apparatus for Specimen 3.
results & discussion
Figure 4 shows the CO2 concentration measurements from Test 1. A significant drop in CO2 concentration was observed in Specimen 2 between two measurements taken on Jan. 10th.
Figure 4: Chart #1 shows results for Test 1 – All Specimens.
During Test 1 a lot of moisture and condensation was seen on the inside walls of the enclosures for Specimens 2 and 3 (See Figure 7, photos #1 and #2). White fuzzy mould was seen on the leaves of all the specimens (See Figure 7, photo #3).
At the end of Test 1 the CO2 concentration was going up, not down as expected. After researching this issue I determined that mould can create CO2 (Awair, 2020). This was a problem that was solved during Test 2. Photos #4 to #6 (See Figure 7) show the specimens at the end of Test 1.
Figure 5 shows the CO2 concentration measurements from Test 2. The CO2 concentration in Specimen 2 increased through most of Test 2 until it reached the meter’s maximum. There was a lot of condensation on the inside of the enclosure. Mould was seen on Specimens 1 and 2. Near the end of Test 2 Specimens 1 and 2 were dying so I stopped collecting data.
Figure 5: Chart #2 shows results for Test 2 – All Specimens.
The greenhouse apparatus for Specimens 1 and 2 were next to a window and the temperature outside was very cold. The cold air near the window was probably causing the condensation and then mould growth. Specimens 1 and 2 were moved away from the window for Test 3. Dessicant was added to the enclosures during Test 2. More dessicant was added during Test 3.
The CO2 concentration in Specimen 3 went up at the beginning of Test 2, not down as expected. After researching this issue I determined that when the plant seeds germinate they give off CO2, which explains the increase at the beginning of the test (Adam, 2009). In the middle of Test 2 the CO2 concentration in Specimen 3 started to go down, as expected. Photos #7 to #9 show the specimens at the end of Test 2.
Figure 6 shows the CO2 concentration measurements from Test 3. The CO2 concentration for Specimen 2 and 3 increased a little during germination. Specimen 3 was growing faster than Specimen 2, so the increase in CO2 happened for Specimen 3 first. The CO2 concentration in Specimen 3 decreased a lot and more CO2 was added on Jan. 30th. Specimen 3 continued to grow very well and the CO2 concentration dropped more. More CO2 was added on Feb. 3rd.
Figure 6: Chart #3 shows results for Test 3 – All Specimens.
The experiment was stopped when the plant was big and filling up most of the pot. The CO2 concentration in Specimen 2 started to decrease slightly after Jan. 30th, however it was not enough to require the addition of more CO2. Photos #10 to #12 in Figure 7 show the specimens at the end of Test 3.
Figure 7: Photographs obtained of the plant specimens during the experiment.
There are some future steps that could be done to this experiment. One thing the experiment could not do is measure how much CO2 specimen 1, under normal conditions, consumed. Therefore, I could not measure how much of an effect the added CO2 had on the photosynthesis rate. A new apparatus design will be needed to measure this and could be done in a future phase of the experiment. It would also be interesting to know what the results of this experiment would be with different types of crops. Conducting the experiment in an actual greenhouse would also be important to confirm that the experiment would be successful in the real world.
The results of this experiment could have a significant impact on the world. Using these special greenhouses could increase crop yields helping to feed people. Some additional research would be needed to look at how effective the experiment would be on different types of crops. The experiment will also help reduce the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere which will help reduce global climate change. For example, the experiment showed that if 31% of agricultural land in Canada had these greenhouses, they would consume all the CO2 from cars and trucks in Canada (Statistics Canada, 2010). If 68% of agricultural land in Canada had these greenhouses, they would consume enough CO2 to meet Canada’s 2030 carbon emission target (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2021). It may not make sense to have greenhouses covering 31% or 68% of Canada’s agricultural land since it might cost too much money.
- The greenhouse apparatus for specimen 2, which only had applied CO2, had a relatively small reduction in CO2 concentration inside the enclosure during photosynthesis. Since the CO2 consumption for specimen 1 could not be measured, this experiment could not confirm whether the reduction in CO2 concentration for specimen 2 was a normal rate of photosynthesis or if the CO2 caused the photosynthesis rate to increase.
- The greenhouse apparatus for specimen 3, which had applied CO2 and an applied light source, had a relatively large reduction in CO2 concentration inside the enclosure during photosynthesis. Since the CO2 reduction was significantly greater than specimen 2 it is reasonable to conclude that the reduction in CO2 was caused by an increased photosynthesis rate. This rate increase, compared to specimen 2, was due to the catalyst of applied light source.
- The experiment demonstrated that the increased photosynthesis rate consumed an additional 35 mg of CO2 per day per plant. For 1 acre of plants that is 2.6 tonnes of CO2 per year.
In summary, the experiment demonstrated that increasing the CO2 concentration in the experimental enclosure, along with the addition of a strong light source, increased the rate of plant growth and consumption of CO2 during the photosynthesis process. The purpose of the experiment was achieved.
Awair. (2020, July 9). Indoor Air & House Mold (and How to Protect Yourself). Awair Blog.
Adam, D. (2009, March 11). Sea level could rise more than a metre by 2100, say experts. The Guardian.
Environment and Climate Change Canada. (2021, July 12). Government of Canada confirms ambitious new greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.
Statistics Canada. (2007). Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: Findings: Greenhouse gas emissions.
Statistics Canada. (2010). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Private Vehicles in Canada, 1990 to 2007: Main article.
Health Canada. (2010, August 11). Residential Indoor Air Quality Guideline: Ozone.
Nunez, C. (2019). Carbon dioxide levels are at a record high. Here's what you need to know. National Geographic.