Dessine-Moi un Mouton

Dessine-Moi un Mouton

Par: Juliette Quirion

Abigaëlle, âgée de 4 ans, dessine depuis quelque temps déjà et tente de commencer à écrire comme la plupart des enfants de son âge. Abigaëlle a beaucoup de volonté mais ses efforts sont freinés par sa condition musculaire. En effet, elle est atteinte de plusieurs maladies qui attaquent les muscles et articulations de ses avants-bras…

Protein Problem: A Digitized At-Home Urinalysis Device to Aid Patients Suffering from Kidney Disease

Protein Problem: A Digitized At-Home Urinalysis Device to Aid Patients Suffering from Kidney Disease

By Ethan Chan

Kidneys filter out unwanted substances and create urine to be excreted, but when the kidneys are damaged or impacted by kidney diseases such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) or nephrotic syndrome they filter out beneficial substances such as protein into the urine (American Kidney Fund, 2019). For long-term patients with these diseases, daily testing of urine for protein using urinalysis strips is essential (National Kidney Foundation, 2017).

Tube-y or Not Tube-y: Traditional vs. Modern Insulin Pumps

Tube-y or Not Tube-y: Traditional vs. Modern Insulin Pumps

By Riley Last

Just like any disease or condition a person might be diagnosed with, diabetes has become a huge part of my life, therefore becoming a huge part of the lives of my family and friends. If I am one person with diabetes, affecting so many people around me, I can only imagine how many people the other millions of diabetics around the world affect, and broadly speaking, none of us want diabetes management to be a burden.

An Innovative Flood Prediction System Using Improved Machine Learning Approach

An Innovative Flood Prediction System Using Improved Machine Learning Approach

By: Cynthia Cui & Leonardo Cui

Flood is a highly chaotic, strongly emergent, and naturally occurring pattern. Flood prediction is important for building resilience to natural disasters by proactively managing and minimizing the impacts of natural hazards on our everyday lives. This project attempts to create a model that can accurately and efficiently map water level as a function of climate conditions to forecast flood levels at a given point in the future.